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Application for Educational Benefits (Lunch form)

Application for Educational Benefits (Lunch form)

The Application for Educational Benefits or “AEB” is now available online! ALL families with students enrolled in a MPS school should complete an application every school year. Completing your application online takes about 5 minutes, provides immediate results, and you won’t need to watch for it in the mail.

Please visit to complete your family’s annual application.

We ask ALL families to complete an application, even if they do not plan to use benefits or believe they will not qualify. The information from the AEB generates millions of dollars in funding and resources that schools depend on. The AEB also determines benefits for students and families such as free bus cards, discounted internet service, and reduced or waived fees.

Completing the AEB now saves significant school staff time and resources once the school year starts. To decline benefits, simply email

Minnesota provides one free breakfast and one free lunch to students each school day, BUT schools still rely on the funding generated when families complete their AEB. No need to wait - complete your AEB online today.